basicallybunnyx @basicallybunnyx

25 · Female · Heterosexual · Single

i'm basic af.

About @basicallybunnyx

it's bunnnyyy.

I don't really know how to start these things off because I'm shit at introductions but, here goes nothing!

My name isn't actually Bunny, (obviously). My name is Georgia, I'm 16 and I live in England. I'm a gigantic movie fanatic, as well as obsessed with TV shows such as Breaking Bad, Orange Is the New Black, Grace and Frankie, American Horror Story, Grey's Anatomy, etc.
I probably couldn't live in a world without music, I like basically everything except dubstep just because all that wub wub makes me feel sick. Literally.
Animals. I fucking love animals.
Tom Hanks? Never seen one of his movies? Please get off my profile as he is the life of my love and the love of my life.
I like to be quite out there, I like crazy colours in my hair, I like wearing insane clothes.
Hayley is my main bitch, I love herrr. <3
Black is my favourite colour. 6 is my favourite number. I really want to travel the world and as soon as I save up enough, I plan to backpack everywhere.
I believe life is a blessing and we shouldn't waste it. Life is literally the longest thing but is way too short to spend every day regretting shit.
I love dogs. Which basically ties in with animals but /dogs/ specifically. Woof.
I love talking to people and getting to know people but if you honestly think I'm going to send you nudes, ever? I'd go elsewhere. Try pornhub or something.
Welllll, I don't know how to end this either so I'll end this withhh, come talk to me! I'm not that bad, I don't think. Bye. xox.

@Yeezus snogged @basicallybunnyx
January 10, 2018 10:03 AM via Live Feed
@Ereeves21 married @basicallybunnyx
January 10, 2018 9:54 AM
@alyssababy snogged @basicallybunnyx
October 8, 2017 7:09 PM

check my snapchat story: blahkitten

@rack snogged @basicallybunnyx
October 1, 2017 6:45 PM

add me on snapchat: blahkitten

@24 snogged @basicallybunnyx
September 30, 2017 7:52 PM


@Zynch married @basicallybunnyx
September 29, 2017 8:57 PM via Live Feed
Deleted User married @basicallybunnyx
September 29, 2017 8:56 PM via Live Feed
@yt snogged @basicallybunnyx
September 29, 2017 8:56 PM

this is u right?

@brianna_xyz snogged @basicallybunnyx
September 21, 2016 12:57 AM

My pics:
Kik: friendsandweed

@Krash married @basicallybunnyx
July 5, 2016 12:44 PM via Live Feed