Wishes @Wishes

26 · Female · Homosexual · In a relationship

❝If you fall, make it part of the dance❦...❞

About @Wishes

almost Gay af yo..

Thank you for clicking on me.. Here's a snowman in a fez. ☃

Ellysse19 Ladies manScotland.

Strong preference to females but there are one or two exceptions...

@_RaggedyMan_ from Snog.com

No, I do not want a threesome with you guys. I like girls. That doesn't mean I like girls for you to gawp at.

Andrew Scott
︎Doctor Who
︎Karen Gillan
︎The Great Gatsby
︎David Tennant
︎Lucy Spraggan!
︎Rocky Horror Picture Show (Science Fiction's the best!)
︎Ireland(Irish roots.. distantly)
︎Sherlock ︎ (Elementary)
︎McFly (So sue me tongue emoticon )
︎Long underused words
︎Warm hugs
︎Cute mugs
︎ And cosy winter evenings!


︎Stupid people
︎Fake lesbians/bisexuals. (Just because you've snogged a girl before you sucked dick does not make you bi js)
︎Guys who THINK you're and expect you to be a fake
︎Just dicks in general D;
︎ Pointless Avoids. If you are going to avoid me, please leave a wee comment so I know what I did and how I can do it again to 3/4 of society.

Well hello, sweetie...

I'm Ellysse. Hoes before bros every time. It's a great life. Be nice to people or they might just bite your dick off. Grab my hand and whisper run and I'll be in your bed... One of these sucky people that actually believes in romance and sookiness, so cuddles and cute gestures are the way to my heart. I like to write pretty much anything and when I'm not in classes or studying, I'm usually wasting my life away on the internet :')

If you bothered to read stick the word "bowties" in your message because bowties are cool..

Messages are great but I'm kinda shy so don't be offended if I won't message first,

Stay sweet,
( )___( )
Ellysse. (Evie/Elly) (⚉ ▾ ⚉ ❀) ✿

@notcircumcised snogged @Wishes
May 16, 2019 4:00 PM
@Conner_F snogged @Wishes
January 25, 2019 12:45 AM
@2rich2care snogged @Wishes
January 2, 2019 12:27 AM
@annarobinson snogged @Wishes
October 7, 2018 9:40 PM via @fiddyfox
Deleted User married @Wishes
August 25, 2018 4:00 PM
Deleted User married @Wishes
August 24, 2018 9:49 AM
Deleted User married @Wishes
August 5, 2018 8:28 PM
Deleted User married @Wishes
August 5, 2018 4:49 PM
Deleted User snogged @Wishes
August 5, 2018 12:44 PM
@Mouh snogged @Wishes
August 5, 2018 12:37 PM