Shaxious @Shaxious

28 · Female · Heterosexual · Single


About @Shaxious


Hey! You're reading this, huh? Well, let's see what I can write about myself....

I'm Shannan, I'm just winging it on here tbh.
I guess you could say I'm slightly unique? I love music, but it has to be Korean or Japanese. Not that I speak those languages, but I just love the feel of them, the way you can tell the emotion without really understanding the lyrics.
I write a lot of the time, books, novels, that type of thing. I hope to get published in the future but... meh, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. I don't go out too much due to my anxiety, but hey, the internet can be my friend too, right?

If I haven't scared you away by now, send me a message, there's much more to me than that little paragraph up there. Also, I'd like to learn about you, too!

Deleted User married @Shaxious
June 22, 2018 2:45 PM via @Neji1809
@alyssababy snogged @Shaxious
October 8, 2017 7:08 PM

check my snapchat story: blahkitten

@rack snogged @Shaxious
October 1, 2017 6:44 PM

add me on snapchat: blahkitten

@24 snogged @Shaxious
September 30, 2017 7:51 PM


@yt snogged @Shaxious
September 29, 2017 8:56 PM

this is u right?

@Agregory snogged @Shaxious
December 28, 2016 10:49 PM
@brianna_xyz snogged @Shaxious
September 21, 2016 12:56 AM

My pics:
Kik: friendsandweed

@goglev snogged @Shaxious
July 9, 2016 10:09 AM
@cobski94 married @Shaxious
March 27, 2016 2:46 PM
@JDwheeler snogged @Shaxious
January 7, 2016 2:05 PM